New Mastermind Sessions
Spring 2023

Join one of our Spring 2023 groups of for a 5 week, guided discussion on this strategic leadership content and make the crucial leader shifts facing you right now!
11 Shifts every leader will be challenged to make:
The Focus Shift: Soloist to Conductor
The Personal Development Shift: Goals to Growth
The Cost Shift: Perks to Price
The Relational Shift: Pleasing People to Challenging People
The Abundance Shift: Maintaining to Creating
The Reproduction Shift: Ladder Climbing to Ladder Building
The Communication Shift: Directing to Connecting
The Improvement Shift: Team Uniformity to Team Diversity
The Influence Shift: Positional Authority to Moral Authority
The Impact Shift: Trained Leaders to Transformational Leaders
The Passion Shift: Career to Calling
Problems Solved
Everyone likes you but you are unable to lead real change and impact the key behaviors of your team.
You get results but your workplace environment is not healthy and good employees resist you or leave.
You want to step into more impactful leadership in your workplace or community but don’t know where to focus.
You are just starting as a leader or in a new arena and want to grow as quickly as possible.
You are at a pivotal time in life and leadership and you need to know the best place to focus your energy.

Groups begin April 19th! Space is limited. Click below to reserve your spot.